Holden Uganda Video

Sunday, December 12, 2010


Hello praying friends,

I'm so sorry for leaving you since Thursday!  Many of you have asked me for more information, so here goes:

Since Thursday, Chet has secured much of the necessary legal paperwork to create a 501(3)c.  He has been working almost non-stop on this, and I am so proud of what he and the Smiths have already been able to get done.  EVERYTHING is absolutely falling into perfect place.

[I am guessing that my organized, on-top-of-everything friends are probably gasping at the fact that all of this wasn't completed BEFORE sharing this amazing news, but I am not like that.  I cannot help but be so excited about what is in store for the Ugandan people.  It is such a precious thing to our Daddy and Mommy hearts! :)]

Can I just say that, WOW, there is a lot of paperwork to create a 501(3)c non-profit!!!?

We have the bank account set up (you should be able to see a PayPal link on the right of this screen) and will be prayerfully waiting for the IRS to send back all of our information.  Once the IRS returns our tax ID#, we will be able to send out the forms to our contributing friends to write off on their taxes.  If you feel led, you can donate now, and we will send you the form as soon as we get IRS approval.

Friday, I received our first official donation to Holden Uganda, from Andra.  I was so excited I think I nearly passed out once I got into my car!  I just know that there is amazing work to be done with the beautiful Ugandan people, and this is the first step!

Our official website is www.holdenuganda.org.  Right now it is linked to this blog, but we are working on it as I type.  www.holdenuganda.org is easier to remember, and more official.

I have learned an important lesson, if not one of the most important, over the past couple of days; when we say, "YES TO GOD!", all of His plans come to fruition in just the right way.

J.D., Kara, Chet and I don't see this as something that we are going to quit after our initial goal of the nine wells.  We will be in prayer about where the need is, and we are jumping in.  We are ALL in.

Humbly His,
Sarah Erwin (for all of us)

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited and proud of you guys! I can't even begin. My heart is overflowing!
