Holden Uganda Video

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Holden Uganda

The first Ugandan well donated in Holden's honor, by J.D. & Kara Smith.  Verse says "Matt 19:13" now.

Holden Uganda is the project set up by J.D. & Kara Smith and Chet & Sarah Erwin, in honor of Holden Newell Erwin, to provide clean drinking water to the Ugandan people. 

Our initial goal is to drill 9 wells to represent the 9 months of life Holden spent on earth.

Each well costs approximately $2,200.00 USD, and will provide clean water for about 2000 Ugandan people.  Can you believe that for $1.10, you provide clean, healthy water for someone?  Our goal is to make $19,800 in the next 9 months.  (One well per month.) 

These 9 wells will change lives!

It is our wish to dedicate each of the nine wells to a baby who has gone to heaven before his/her parents. 

We will have more news very soon, and the direct link to donate towards this cause.  We will also have the name of the organization who will be drilling the wells.

We believe in using God's money honestly and wisely; 100% of ALL money donated will go directly towards drilling these wells.  Not one penny will be wasted and every penny will go towards making a POWERFUL difference in the lives of thousands of God's precious children in Uganda.

"...inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me." - Jesus

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